lovetastic: gomo love

I’m not one for promotion, I’m not one to visit social networking sites, I’m not looking for a new relationship, but I was compelled by Inside the Net, episode 36 on the web 2.0 application called lovetastic. Now the episode is a bit techie, drawing parallels between Rails and the altruism of the lovetastic social endeavor, but at the heart of it was a man who harnessed his gomo powers to create a service for all gay men. The lovetastic site is meant to host personal ads and profiles but the key is that the site is not for the quick hookup. I haven’t registered on the site yet but I heard that the site doesn’t allow for bawdy profile pics, allowing you as the person to make the connection. Really boys, how many of you just skim over these personal ads of perfectly normal guys just because the lighting or focus is bad on the thumbnail picture of their cock.

So, kudos to Ryan Norbauer the founder of the site. I hope this venture changes the niche that you sought to impact.

one of a kind friend… one of a kind present…

Who knew that my little gambit of contacting the OhMyPod podcast (episode 82) would have landed me in such a fantastic spot. I made it out to see Peter/MacBoyX earlier this month and by sheer force of fate, I’m here visiting him and Roseld from SuperRoboGomo. The booze was flowing, (for the most part) the conversation was lively, and I schooled Roseld on making lumpia.

If you are a listener of the OhMyPod Podcast, you already know that Roseld is a toy designer [link to that episode]. I really hate to be thrown off my game or thrown for a loop, but after spending a lovely day with Roseld, I was given a very rare object (one of a kind… prototype for a production toy). I don’t know if I could reveal his connections to, or what company produces it but I can say it is a product line that is very ubiquitous. What floored me, is that the toy is a prototype of the toy and there’s only one in the world. I must say that I was so touched that I cried, being overwhelmed by the sentiment.

Without being too precious about this, I’m adding another category to my blog, simply titled “yay”… I’m reserving it for very rare occasions like this one…

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